@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007426, author = {速水, 則行 and HAYAMIZU, Noriyuki and 田中, 英一 and TANAKA, Eiichi and 山本, 創太 and YAMAMOTO, Sota}, issue = {713}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集 A編}, month = {Jan}, note = {A mathematical model of muscular fatigue and recovery has been developed to be used in motion analyses for evaluating human tasks. To take account of the effects of fatigue and recovery, a model of rate type was developed based on the idea of changes of state of motor unit. Four types of state of motor unit were introduced to simulate fatigue and recovery under dynamic conditions of stimulus input. The response of the model was compared with that of the previous model and the experimental data in literatures. The results showed reasonable agreement. The model is capable of simulating fatigue and recovery under dynamic conditions of stimulus input, such as general human motions.}, pages = {100--105}, title = {筋の疲労・回復に対する数理モデルの定式化}, volume = {72}, year = {2006} }