@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007533, author = {梅村, 章 and UMEMURA, Akira and 内田, 正宏 and UCHIDA, Masahiro}, issue = {673}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集 B編}, month = {Sep}, note = {Numerical calculations are conducted to explore the way how a cold droplet is ignited by an approaching diffusion flame and to characterize the three flame propagation modes classified in the first report. In the calculations, the convective terms are neglected and an Arrhenius type of one-step overall reaction is considered. When the flammable gas mixture layer formed around the droplet is reached by the diffusion flame, a premixed flame is formed in front of the diffusion flame and propagates in the layer. Since the period in which the premixed flame burns the fuel vapor out is very short, the droplet temperature does not change significantly during the period. Thus, a spherical diffusion flame is newly established around the cold droplet. When there is no flammable gas mixture around the cold droplet, the diffusion flame passes the droplet and the droplet comes to a member which supplies fuel vapor to the diffusion flame.}, pages = {2636--2642}, title = {微小重力下での直線燃料液滴列に沿った火炎伝ぱ (第3報, 火炎伝ぱのモデル計算)}, volume = {68}, year = {2002} }