@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007578, author = {SAKIYAMA, Noriyuki and 崎山, 則征 and KE, Runcong and 柯, 閏聡 and SAWADA, Ryuusuke and 澤田, 隆介 and SONOYAMA, Masashi and 園山, 正史 and MITAKU, Shigeki and 美宅, 成樹}, issue = {2}, journal = {Chem-Bio Informatics Journal}, month = {}, note = {Proteins with a charge periodicity of 28 residues (PCP28) were found recently in the human proteome, and many of the annotated PCP28 were located in the nucleus (Ke et al., Jpn. J.Appl.Phys. 2007). The physical properties of the amino acid sequences were analyzed to detect the difference in the physicochemistry between the nuclear and cytoplasmic PCP28 and develop a software system to classify the two types of PCP28. A significant difference in the global parameters from the entire sequence and the local parameters around a segment with the highest positive charge density was found between the nuclear and cytoplasmic PCP28. The global classification score included the densities of proline and cysteine, and the nagative charge density, while the local score included the symmetry of the charge distribution, the density of cysteine, and the positive charge density. A prediction system was developed using the global and local scores, which possessed a sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 88%, respectively. The mechanism of translocation of proteins to the nucleus is discussed using the parameters relevant to the predictive system., ヒトプロテオームにおいて電荷の28残基周期性を持ったタンパク質(PCP28)が発見され、PCP28の多くは核に局在していることが分かった(Ke et al., Jpn. J. Allp. Phys.2007)。核PCP28と細胞質PCP28のアミノ酸配列の物理化学的性質を解析し、物性の差からそれら二つのPCP28を分類するシステムを開発した。核PCP28と細胞質PCP28の間で、配列全体からのグローバルパラメータと高い電荷密度を持つセグメント周辺のローカルパラメータにおいて大きな違いが見られた。グローバルスコアではプロリン密度、システイン密度、負電荷密度に差があり、ローカルスコアでは電荷分布のシンメトリ、システイン密度、正電荷密度に差が見られた。これら二つのスコアを用いて予測システムを開発した結果、予測精度は感度が92%、特異性が97%であった。また、核へのタンパク質の輸送メカニズムを、予測システムに関連するパラメータから議論する。}, pages = {35--48}, title = {Nuclear localization of proteins with a charge periodicity of 28 residues}, volume = {7}, year = {2007} }