@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007719, author = {吉澤, 寛之 and YOSHIZAWA, Hiroyuki}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {This article integrated theories explaining antisocial behaviors from psychological, biological, and sociological approaches into a single social information-processing model. The major findings from these three approaches were gathered, and they were re-interpreted in light of theoretical transitions. This reformulation assimilated almost all theories into an original model which purported the importance of social information-processing (latent mental structure and on-line processing), and social interaction (e.g., with parents, peers, and social institutions) as incremental and mediational factors for antisocial behaviors. A comprehensive model of social information-processing was proposed; integrating previous theories. The basic information-processing elements of the present model consisted of knowledge structures on social rules (as latent mental structure), self-serving cognitive distortions (as on-line processing), and socially delinquent behavior tendencies (as antisocial behaviors). In the comprehensive model, these elements were assumed to be affected reciprocally by peers and psycho-educational programs. The validation of this model was confirmed through our previous studies (e.g., Yoshizawa & Yoshida, 2003b, 2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2006)., 国立情報学研究所で電子化したコンテンツを使用している。}, pages = {95--122}, title = {社会的情報処理モデルによる反社会的行動研究の統合的考察 - 心理学的・生物学的・社会学的側面を中心として -}, volume = {52}, year = {2005} }