@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007991, author = {Kitamura, Yuto}, journal = {国際開発研究フォーラム, Forum of International Development Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper discusses how the southeast Asian and South Asian countries have been undertaking various education reforms to achieve goals of Education for All (EFA). Though analyzing the challenges facing education reform s in developing countries this paper attempts to reveal how countries are trying to realize both the quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement of education. To this end, the paper first proposes analytical perspective that allows us to analyze the different elements relating to the quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement of developing countries. Then, Cambodia and Bangladesh respectively will be taken as case, and with reference to the analytical perspective, an overview is made of the basic education (mainly both primary and secondary cycles) of these countries, followed by a comparative analysis. By so doing, the this paper investigates the challenges generally faced not these by two countries but also by other developing countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia when they undertake basic education reforms. The paper draws attention to be the system and policy of education and also to what is taught schools, taking a comprehensive look at how the issue of quality is positioned in the education reforms Southeast Asian and South Asian countries.}, pages = {85--102}, title = {Basic Education Reforms in Cambodia and Bangladesh: Expansion of Access and Improvement of Quality}, volume = {36}, year = {2008} }