@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008562, author = {島田, 俊夫 and Shimada, Toshio and 平木, 敬 and Hiraki, Kei and 関口, 智嗣 and Sekiguchi, Satoshi}, issue = {4}, journal = {情報処理学会論文誌}, month = {Apr}, note = {命令レベルデータフロー計算機SIGMA-1の基本性能評価を行った.プログラムは関数型言語DFCで記述し,実行は自動並列抽出,自動負荷分散機能を用いて行った.演算性能の評価では2つのプログラムでそれぞれ118MFLOPS,154MIPSの性能が得られ,SIGMA-1がべクトル型スーパコンピュータに比肩しうる性能を持つことを示した.通信性能は,データ分散の効果により性能が大きく影響されること,データフロー計算機の特徴であるアクセス遅延の隠蔽効果が,通信比率の高い問題では十分でないことを示した.またアーキテクチャ評価として,関数呼び出し,ループのオーバヘッドを測定した.さらにデータフロー計算機の特徴である自動並列性抽出の効果を示した.最後に待ち合わせ記憶の使用状況を解析し,記憶容量の問題にについて述べる., Performance evaluation of the dataflow computer SIGMA-1 is presented. Programs used for the evaluation are written in the functional language DFC. Evaluation was done with automatic extraction of parallelism and automatic load distribution function. Sustained performance of floating point operations is 118 MFLOPS. This data shows that the SIGMA-1 can be comparable with existing vector supercomputers. Then the effect of data distribution between processors is measured. The results show that the feature of hiding latency of dataflow computers is not effective in case that programs have many communitations. As architecture evaluations, the effect of function call, loop construct were measured and compared with a current high speed workstation. Then the effect of automatic extraction of parallelism is analyzed, Utilization of matching memory is also discussed.}, pages = {690--698}, title = {データフロー計算機 SIGMA-1 の基本性能評価}, volume = {34}, year = {1993} }