@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008581, author = {小倉, 正義 and OGURA, Masayoshi}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {These days, the importance of school-family partnership has much understanding. It is valuable for school-family partnership to promote children's growth, their school progress, and their development. So school-family partnership is one of notable topics in psychological research. The purpose of this study was to overview psychological research on school-family partnership and to discuss the determinants of school-family relationship and the methods of promoting school-family partnership. In the first part of this paper, psychological research dealing with school-family partnership was overviewed from three perspectives ; communication between teachers and parents, teachers’support for parents, parents involvement in their children’s school education. Then a discussion on the possibility of application for practice in school was conducted in the three perspectives. Finally, it is suggested that study and practice of school-family partnership is complementary each other.}, pages = {41--48}, title = {学校と家庭の連携に関する研究の動向}, volume = {54}, year = {2007} }