@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008621, author = {石井, 拓児 and Ishii, Takuji}, issue = {1}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (教育科学)}, month = {Sep}, note = {The purpose of this study is to investigate the theory of educational administration of Mochida Eiichi, an educator who proposed that educational administration take place within the individual school. His view was that the contribution of parents and school committees should be an essential element of educational administration. Mochida established the concepts of "Kyoju-Gakusyu Katei" and "Kyoiku Kanri-Keiei Katei" within a few years of 1961 having being influenced by a social theory of Shibata Shingo and the subject of school administration in teachers'union. At this time, the Japanese national curriculum and its practical application were created and controlled by the state. Mochida understood that making changes in the organization of educational administration could have affect on the contents of school education. By using the conceptual tools of "Kyoju-GakuSyu Katei" and "Kyoiku Kanri-Keiei Katei", Mochida suggested an alternative towards curriculum construction in schools. Mochida believed that curriculum should be decided by the schools, and not left up to State control. He also believed that the involvement of parents and committees in the curriculum making process is an invaluable contribution as illustrated in the "Kyoju-Gakusyu Katei" and "Kyoiku Kanri-Keiei Katei" concepts that become uniform throughout schools.}, pages = {13--21}, title = {持田栄一「教育管理」論における学校組織の運営原理}, volume = {49}, year = {2002} }