@inproceedings{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008662, author = {Yuen, Shoji and Imai, Keigo and Suetsugu, Ryo and Agusa, Kiyoshi}, book = {4th Symposium on "Intelligent Media Integration for Social Information Infrastructure" December 7-8, 2006}, month = {Dec}, note = {We have been investigating communicating processes, where the primitive computation is synchronous communication between processes. A process is a "black box" to be identified only by observing communications with the environment. Various behavioral characterizations of communicating processes have been studied over the last couple of decades. The model is good for realizing concurrent behavior of network software. We realize the behavior of concurrent software based on equivalences as the fundamental semantics of programming languages with concurrent features. During the period of the COE project, we have investigated the following topics with the aime of improving the reliability of network software. (1)A meta algebraic framework defined by SOS(Structural Operational Semantics) for timed process calculi; (2)Web application modeling; (3)user interface behavioral modeling; (4)timed extension of a mobile calculus; (5)a network framework for functional programming language Haskell; and (6)behavioral modeling for embedded systems.}, pages = {153--160}, publisher = {INTELLIGENT MEDIA INTEGRATION NAGOYA UNIVERSITY / COE}, title = {A FORMAL APPROACH TO RELIABLIE NETWORK SOFTWARE}, year = {2006} }