@inproceedings{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008668, author = {Miwa, Kazuhisa}, book = {4th Symposium on "Intelligent Media Integration for Social Information Infrastructure" December 7-8, 2006}, month = {Dec}, note = {Recently, not only Human-Human Interaction (HHI) but also Human-Agent Interaction (HAI) where humans and cognitive artifacts such as computer agents collaborate have emerged. To investigate the nature of such interaction it is important to deal with two perspectives separately: design of and attribution to computer agents. The perspective of attribution is what a human attributes to a computer agent whereas the perspective of design is how a computer agent is actually designed. We propose the "illusion experiment paradigm" where we can control independently these two factors. Two experiments were performed in which a pair of subjects solved a simple reasoning task collaboratively. We analyzed how their hypothesis formation and testing behavior were influenced by these two factors. Experimental results basically indicated that subject problem solving behavior was only influenced by the factor of design, whereas their reciprocity behavior as one representative social behavior was influenced by both design and attribution factors.}, pages = {217--222}, publisher = {INTELLIGENT MEDIA INTEGRATION NAGOYA UNIVERSITY / COE}, title = {ANALYSIS OF HUMAN-HUMAN AND HUMAN-COMPUTER AGENT INTERACTIONS FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF DESIGN OF AND ATTRIBUTION TO A PARTNER}, year = {2006} }