@inproceedings{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008697, author = {末永, 康仁}, book = {First Symposium on "Intelligent Media Integration for Social Information Infrastructure" March 28, 2003}, month = {Mar}, note = {文部科学省21世紀COEプログラムにおいて、情報・電気・電子分野で採択された名古屋大学情報系COE「知的メディア統合」研究拠点(正式拠点名:「社会情報基盤のための音声・映像の知的統合」、拠点リーダ:情報科学研究科教授 末永康仁)の概要を紹介する。本拠点では、情報化社会における「耳」と「目」と「頭脳」の実現を目指し、「聞く技術」(音声メディア処理)と「見る技術」(映像メディア処理)の知的な統合によるメディア情報処理の実証的研究を推進する。本年4月新設の情報科学研究科、工学研究科、情報メディア教育センター、情報連携基盤センターの研究者約40名が協力し、次代を担うべき若手研究者に世界の一流レベルでの存分な活躍の場を与える事に重点をおいた意欲的な研究教育活動を推進する。, Under the 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) Program organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a research group led by Dr. Yasuhito Suenaga, Professor at the Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University, was selected as a COE in the category of Information Sciences, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, with the research subject of "Intelligent Media Integration (IMI) for Social Information Infrastructure. " This IMI COE promotes empirical research into media information processing through the intelligent integration of speech and image with a view to creating the "ears,"and "brain" in information-oriented society. At the IMI COE, about 40 reseachers from the Graduate School of Information Science, newly established in April 2003; the Graduate School of Engineering, the Center for Information Media Studies and the Information Technology Center work together to promote world-class research and educational activities with the focus on providing scope for young researchers who will be major players in the next generation.}, pages = {43--54}, publisher = {INTELLIGENT MEDIA INTEGRATION NAGOYA UNIVERSITY / COE}, title = {「社会情報基盤のための音声・映像の知的統合」の概要}, year = {2003} }