@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008959, author = {趙, 偉 and ZHAO, Wei}, issue = {2}, journal = {経済科学}, month = {Sep}, note = {This paper, based on the analysis of the developmental process of the work organizations in the automobile industry, aims to describe the nature and current situation of the unique German production model and to investigate theoretically the position and the future trend of it. The German production model is not only famous for its high quality and high value added, but also for its specific characteristics such as the combination of mass production and flexibility, the objective of production rationalization to realize the "humanization of work", the direct investment of ME technology as well as skilled workers into the production department, and the so-called "semi autonomous work groups" through broad "job integration". Based on the above characteristics, the German model shows more similarity to the Volvo model, the so-called "open socio-technological system" that gives priority to the human nature, and less similarity to the lean production model, the "open techno-social system" with its focus on productivity and efficiency. The essential focus of this paper does not lie on the question of which system, technological or social, should be emphasized in the integrative work organization, but on the clarification of how both systems are to be integrated in a balanced way.}, pages = {17--35}, title = {ドイツ的生産モデル : その特質と位置付け}, volume = {51}, year = {2003} }