@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009031, author = {岩崎, 公弥子 and IWAZAKI, Kumiko and 縣, 秀彦 and AGATA, Hidehiko and 安田, 孝美 and YASUDA, Takami}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本教育工学会論文誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {近年,市民の「理科離れ」に対して,科学館や研究施設では科学への興味・関心を高めるための教育プログラムやシステム導入を試みている.本研究では,見学に着目し,事前学習のためのWebシステムをPublic Understanding of Research(PUR)に基づき,設計,開発,評価した.本システムの特徴は,ビデオクリップを通じて,研究者が研究を語り,問いかけることによって,学習者の「興味・関心」を喚起し,学習課題の「発見」を支援する点である.更に,個別にワークシートの作成を行い,見学時の課題「解決」を支援する仕組みを導入した.国立天文台とともに実証実験を行い,研究を語ることによる効果(PUR),ならびに,ワークシート作成を含めた見学の事前学習支援が,見学時に極めて重要であり,科学への学習意欲を向上させることが明らかになった., Japanese museums are introducing programs to counter the public's decreasing interest in science. We developed a web site and work sheet to prepare public before they visit the science museum associated with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Our site aims to attract public to science by promoting a "Public Understanding of Research (PUR)", showing video interviews of scientists answering questions. In trials, our site and worksheet improved their motivation for learning astronomy. Japanese museums are introducing programs to counter the public's decreasing interest in science. We developed a web site and work sheet to prepare public before they visit the science museum associated with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Our site aims to attract public to science by promoting a "Public Understanding of Research (PUR)", showing video interviews of scientists answering questions. In trials, our site and worksheet improved their motivation for learning astronomy.}, pages = {527--534}, title = {PURに基づく科学館の見学事前学習システムの開発と評価}, volume = {29}, year = {2006} }