@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009047, author = {江夏, 幾多郎 and ENATSU, Ikutaro}, issue = {3}, journal = {経済科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {The purpose of this paper is to review the existing HRM (human resource management) studies with regard to fairness of rewards. To stabilize themselves, social relations are necessary to be fair. When each labor restrains his interest by considering others’ interests, and when the labor can confirm that all of others also restrain their interests, he regards his rewards as fair. Since the 1990’s, Many Japanese firms adopted “pay for performance (seika-syugi)” policy in their HRM system. According to existing studies, there is a key factor for being regarded as fair rewards by labors, a specification of formal procedure of compensation through a rich interaction between labors and managers in compensation process. But in fact, many managers cannot specify the compensation process to their subordinates (unanticipated consequences). Existing studies haven’t shown the effective prescription for the crisis of fairness perception. On the contrary, I show that labors can perceive fairness to their rewards as unanticipated consequences. HRM studies must not overlook the possibility and the condition which undesirable rewards are regarded as fair by betrayed labors.}, pages = {43--61}, title = {処遇に対する公正感 (上)-処遇制度の設計・運用における条件と阻害要因}, volume = {56}, year = {2008} }