@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009101, author = {大谷, 尚 and OTANI, Takashi}, issue = {2}, journal = {教育學研究}, month = {Jun}, note = {小論では、情報技術の教育利用に関して筆者が継続している質的研究を通した論考を示し、学習の場での観察的かつ理論的な研究の重要性を論じる。まず情報化に対応した教育政策の概観と、情報化社会に関する諸言説の検討を行う。その上で、技術の存在論的で現象学的な意味と意義について、ハイデッガーの『技術への問い』を通して検討する。これに基づき、情報技術の教育利用に関する著者自身の現象学的な質的研究について述べ、質的研究手法についても概観する。その後、総合的な学習の時間のインターネット利用での未習漢字の問題とその事例の検討を通して、近代文書化技術により形成されたカリキュラムや教授・学習文化の本質的特徴、また教師と学習者との不可視の権力構造に言及し、それらの脱構築の必要を論じる。最後に、情報技術の使用による人間発達への否定的影響と同時に、情報技術を通した人間の解放の事例と可能性についても触れ、教育学の課題を論じる。, The purpose of this article is to show the tasks and problems of educational research in the information age. For this, he shows his discussions on education and technology through his qualitative researches on information technology uses in education. Through the discussion, he asserts the importance of observational and theoretical approach in educational settings for future educational research. From this article, the author tries to examine the meaning and significance of information technologies i.e. personal computers and the internet in education, ultimately aiming at an examination on technologies in education. He then tries to understand what is the relationship between information technologies and humankind, how it appears in what phenomena, how we can confirm the appearance, and what kind of methodologies through which we theorize them and develop the discussions on technologies in education. He especially tries to accomplish it based on Martin Heidegger's work on the theory of technology "The Question Concerning Technology". He first overviews the educational policies related to coping with the information age. He briefly describes how Course of Study of Japan led the information-oriented education in Japanese schools. He then introduces both relatively positive and negative writings on the information age and information oriented society, and allows the readers to understand that the information society has various aspects. These opinions and outlooks are based only on understandings of the characteristics and nature of information technology. He then asserts the necessity to examine information technologies in education within a comprehensive context of ontological examination of technology itself. The author then examines the phenomenological and ontological meaning and significance of technology citing phrases from Martine Heidegger's "The Question Concerning Technology". He emphasizes the importance of Heidegger's idea that not only nature but also humankind is to be transformed by technologies. Then he also amplifies Heidegger's understanding on modern technologies on information technologies. He also introduces Heidegger's idea on danger and saving power contained technology itself citing "But where danger is, grows the saving power also." which was cited by the philosopher from Friedrich Hoelderin's poetry. He then describes his phenomenologist qualitative researches on technology uses in education. He briefly describes qualitative research methodologies. He goes on to introduce a topic of the students' encounter with unlearned Kanjis on the internet that are quite often observed during the Integrated Learning Time. He discusses the fact that Japanese curricular and teaching-learning culture are profoundly and unconsciously formed by modern technologies especially by printing technologies through the analyses of the topic. But he also shows a case of one student's solution to the problem using a Japanese dictionary installed in her PC. He regards it as liberation from such constraint utilizing information technology. He also discusses about invisible power structures between teachers and students that have been formed by modern technology's restrictions that mostly consists of printing and documentation technologies. He asserts the importance of deconstruction of such structures considering latent impacts by modern technologies in terms of expected change of professional development of teachers. He then discusses the negative aspects of human development through common daily uses of information technologies in the information age. But, at the same time, he argues about possibilities and the cases of liberation of humankind through saving power of information technology, i.e. Internet. Finally, he notes future tasks for the research and the researcher., (<特集>情報化時代における教育学の課題) (Educational Research in the Age of Information Society: Themes and Concerns)}, pages = {110--124}, title = {教育と情報テクノロジーに関する検討 : ハイデッガーの『技術への問い』をてがかりとして}, volume = {73}, year = {2006} }