@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009303, author = {鳥居, 朋子 and TORII, Tomoko}, journal = {名古屋高等教育研究}, month = {Jan}, note = {戦後まもない1946年に東京商科大学(現一橋大学)の学長に就いた上原專祿は、大学が人間育成の機関であることを力説し、一般教育(generaleducation)と専門教育および職業教育の有機的なつながりを強く主張していた。本稿では、上原の戦前における大学論や学生指導をめぐる実践等の検討をふまえ、戦後教育改革期における大学教育論の特質を考察した。その結果、次の三点が指摘できる。1. 上原は、戦前の東京商科大学における学問研究と職業教育の分離状態や、実社会に対する自立意識の弱さ等への内省を基礎とし、学問および修学への強い規範意識や学生の自主自立精神の育成を重視した大学教育観を形成していた。これらが戦後大学教育論の基底となった。2. 戦後初期の上原は、従来の実業教育のあり方への批判を介し、社会に求められる人材像を構想しながら、新しい専門職業人の育成を危急の課題とした。3. さらに、米国高等教育思想を受容しつつ、「広く深くゆたかに鋭く、観察し思考し生きる態度と性能」を育むための一般教育を主軸とした大学教育論を展開した。, The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of Senroku Uehara’s view on undergraduate education in post-World War II Japan, through an examination of his view on higher learning in prewar days, and his view on general education based on his reflection on vocational education after World War II. Professor Uehara (1899-1975), formerly President of Tokyo University of Commerce (the present Hitotsubashi University), argued that general education, specialized education and professional education were inseparable and should be organized into an integrated structure. In this paper the author offers three conclusions. 1. Uehara argued that students at Tokyo University of Commerce must promote their independence and gain the normative consciousness for higher learning. It became the foundation of his view on university education after the war. 2. He insisted that improving the ability of professional workers to think and act in a critical manner was a crucial issue immediately after World War II in Japan, as opposed to the vocational education of prewar days. 3. Basing his conclusions on the idea of higher education contained in the Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan (1946), Uehara emphasized the importance of general education to nurture a broad outlook among students, including those who were undertaking a specialized or professional education.}, pages = {147--168}, title = {戦後教育改革期における上原專祿の大学教育論 ―実業教育への内省に基づく一般教育論の展開―}, volume = {4}, year = {2004} }