@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009475, author = {Watanabe, T. and Yokoyama, H. and Tanaka, Y. and Inoue, J.}, issue = {21}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, month = {Jun}, note = {By using an optimization variational Monte Carlo method, we study the half-filled-band Hubbard model on anisotropic triangular lattices, as a continuation of the preceding study [T. Watanabe, H. Yokoyama, Y. Tanaka, and J. Inoue, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, 074707 (2006)]. We introduce two new trial states: (i) A coexisting state of Ψ^co_Q -antiferromagnetic (AF) and a d-wave singlet gaps, in which we allow for a band renormalization effect, and (ii) a state with an AF order of 120° spin structure. In both states, a first-order metal-to-insulator transition occurs at smaller U/ t than that of the pure d-wave state. In insulating regimes, magnetic orders always exist; an ordinary (π,π)-AF order survives up to t'/t~0.9 (U/ t=12), and a 120°-AF order becomes dominant for t'/ t. The regimes of the robust superconductor and of the nonmagnetic insulator the preceding study proposed give way to these magnetic domains.}, pages = {214505--214505}, title = {Predominant magnetic states in the Hubbard model on anisotropic triangular lattices}, volume = {77}, year = {2008} }