@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009654, author = {本間, 政雄 and HOMMA, Masao}, journal = {名古屋高等教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {国立大学は、2004年を期して一斉に法人化されたが、法人化のシステムの中に、いわゆる「外部人材」がビルトインされた。経営協議会の学外委員、学外理事、監事それに大学の裁量で登用された経営スタッフや幹部事務職員などである。「外部人材」がもつ効率的な経営のノウハウや知識を導入するとともに、社会の「眼」を入れることによってより透明度の高い大学運営を実現することを目的としていた。従って、これら外部人材が機能しているかどうかは、法人化の成否を決めるほどの重要性がある。このような問題意識から、全国立大学と外部人材全員を対象にアンケート調査を行うとともに、外部人材による座談会を実施して、外部人材の活用状況と、「社会の眼」である外部人材が法人化後の国立大学をどのように見ているかを調査・分析した。その結果は、効率的で透明性の高い大学運営に向かって着実な歩みが見られる一方、「外部人材」を活用する努力を意図的に怠っている状況も散見された。また、教職員の意識改革の遅れや教授会、事務組織の保守的体質、財務・人事を中心に国の規制が依然として強いとの指摘があった。, Almost 5 years have elapsed since April 2004 when all 89 national universities were corporatized with their 120,000 academic and non-academic staffs deprived of their public servant status. The National Universities Corporatization Law stipulated that at least half of the Management Consultation Council members be appointed from outside the university, while at least one member of the Executive Board be recruited from outside the university. In addition, according to the Law, the Minister of Education is to appoint two auditors, one of whom should be selected from outside the university. All of these strategies are aimed at enhancing social accountability for education and research activities by national universities as well as at introducing efficient management expertise and skills from the private sector. The current paper examines whether these non-university people successfully function based on a national survey that the author conducted in the fall of 2006 with national university management as well as with the non-university people themselves. The result was mixed: steady progress was observed toward increased accountability and enhanced efficiency, while there were some instances when those within the universities neglected the advice, suggestions and proposals made by outside people. Yet, whether national universities could and would take advantage of the wisdom, skills and know-how is an essential key to the success of corporatization.}, pages = {157--177}, title = {国立大学法人化 ―第1期の光と影―}, volume = {9}, year = {2009} }