@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009988, author = {Endo, Fumihiro and Kanamitsu, Masaki and Shiomi, Ryo and Kojima, Hiroki and Hayakawa, Naoki and Okubo, Hitoshi}, journal = {International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD 2008)}, month = {Apr}, note = {Odern T&D system has the issues about economical aspects, aged equipment, reliability etc. To solve these issues, equipment should be maintained optimally and the T&D system should be operated based on the present performance of equipment. For realization of these purposes, Intelligent Grid Management System (IGMS) was proposed and its basic functions are being investigated. In this paper, failure modes of a T&D system were chronologically simulated using Monte Carlo method, and all events occurred by failures in a T&D system were evaluated as cost with nonlinear programming. The expected T&D cost was calculated by repeating these procedure many times. By minimizing the expected T&D cost, the most optimum maintenance strategies of circuit breakers and transformers were derived quantitatively.}, pages = {588--591}, title = {Optimization of Asset Management and Power System Operation Based on Equipment Performance}, year = {2008} }